Fighting in Ruins Wiki

Other Names[]

Circuit Observatory 1

Location (Relative distance from known locations)[]

It's extremely high up in the sky over some grassland nearby to a meadow.

Climate/Description (Obvious)[]

The outside of this observatory has wind blowing through it at high speeds in short bursts. The inside of the observatory is a complex building with many rooms, hallways, and it is almost a maze due to how it is constructed. There's the main room in the center with a telescope at the center. There are also multiple video footage of the ground below. There's multiple computers but at the very lowest part of the observatory is where things get a bit crazy. On the inside of the floating island, there is a variety of plant life there but nothing more than that, and most beings would be foolish to come through the cavern to reach the observatory. There are multiple entrances but some are dead-ends. At most times, there is at least fifty pikmin here assigned to staff this observatory but it can hold far more.

Ruler/Ruling Party[]

The staff of pikmin there...

Terrain effects[]

The earth element here is completely useless. Wind element here would have ups-and-downs. Everything else is not affected. Gravity seems to fluctuate around here. Time also seems to go much slower. The plants in the cavern are naturally resistant to all the elements due to where this island goes. They also seem to slowly drain the life out of living creatures though not enough to be a threat to said creatures. Most of the plants are carnivorous but a few of them in the mix are non-carnivorous.


The massive telescope.

Other notes[]

The observatory was built by Keijo and the island itself wasn't created by him. He did make it float though.

Tropes that Apply to the Area

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Main: Observatory Hall (Sigma Stage 2) - Mega Man X
